Saturday, February 27, 2010

Food Allergy Appointment #2

How many people have had to sit and watch their child get their blood drawn over and over again? Well, because of my daughter's food allergies, from time to time I have to go through this process. To think that for the rest of her life she may have to succumb to this just to see if her RAST numbers have changed is daunting for me.

I first had her tested when she was around 3 or 4 years old. The results came out showing she had several nut, pet, and outdoor allergies. What her allergist didn't explain to me was that we had to come back every so many years to keep getting tested. I found this out through the many people I follow on Twitter (thank you fellow twitterers). They were discussing how they were taking their children back in to get tested. So I decided to set up an appointment and talk to my daughter's allergist.

After viewing her old test results, her allergiest came to the conclusion that her numbers weren't as high as I assumed they were. Her allergist then said that she may actually outgrow them. I previously read, once you have a peanut allergy, you have it for life. I thought this was how her life was going to be forever. Knowing that she could actually outgrow them makes me believe that she has a chance to have a "normal" life after all.

Now began our RAST number conversation. First and foremost, a RAST (radioallergosorbent test) test is a blood test that measures the level of allergen-specific IgE (immunoglobulin E) in your blood. She explained to me if your RAST numbers are very high (level 5 and above) then chances are you will not outgrow them. Or more importantly if you are an adult and get diagnosed with a peanut allergy, you will not outgrow it either. Seeing how her peanut RAST number is a 12.80 (level 3), her allergist wants to test her again and see if they have gone down. If her RAST number for peanut is 5.00 or below, her allergist would like to conduct a food challenge.

Right now I am just waiting for the blood test results to come back. And once they do, it will determine where we will go from here.

Copyright © 2010 Allergykidmom. All rights reserved


  1. Hi,

    Just wanted to let you know of some upcoming dates in NJ to help raise money to fight food allergies. The 3rd annual FAAN Walk for Food Allergy in Long Branch, NJ has been scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 11, 2010 (registration begins at 9am and the Walk starts at 10am). The Walk will once again take place at the Great Lawn just north of Pier Village. We are in the planning stages for the Walk right now but we'll be announcing some exciting events/performances happening at this year's Walk. mr. RAY will be returning to perform this year but he'll be bringing some suprise guests with him. Also, Janice Lieberman will be the emcee for the Walk. Ms. Lieberman has been the featured Consumer Smarts correspondent on NBC's "Today Show" for ten years and was previously the consumer correspondent on "Good Morning America". Lieberman also anchored "Steals and Deals", which appeared nightly on CNBC.

    You can register for the Walk by visiting and selecting the Long Branch, NJ location.

    We have also planned another food allergy awareness day & peanut- and nut-free baseball game with the Lakewood BlueClaws. This is sheduled for Sunday, June 6th at 1:05 pm. Tickets are $10 each. In an effort to help protect allergic fans and in honor of all individuals with food allergies, the BlueClaws will have ingredients list available for every food item sold. That day, all items sold at the concession stands will be peanut- and tree nut-free. Seats will be washed down prior to the game to ensure that there will be no food residue. Fans are advised to arrive early as this will also be “Kids Expo and Zoo Claws Day,” which will feature music, fun, games, and more. This day is also Kids Character Sunday and Kids Eat Free Sunday. mr. RAY, children’s singer/songwriter will perform during the seventh- inning stretch and will throw out the first pitch.

    For more information about the Walk or to purchase tickets for the BlueClaws game, please contact:

    Cherí Golub
    Walk chairperson
    FAAN Walk for Food Allergy ~ Long Branch, NJ ~ Sept. 11, 2010

  2. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. The information is very helpful. I will let others know.
